Why You Need To Talk About Fear

Raiysa Nazaire
2 min readFeb 6, 2022


Why talk about fear? Because in our society, we are constantly being pushed fearful stimuli. And when in fear mode, we cannot be creative. The sole focus is on survival.

Pain, separation, rejection/humiliation, failure and loss of self identity are all fearful feelings sending us a message. Instead of running from them, explore them. When you reduce the unknown factor through examination fear dissipates.

Pain: Whether physical or emotional, all we know about pain is that it hurts. See what happens when you let yourself feel the pain.

Separation: Whether by death, divorce/break up or a move, separation is leaving behind what was known and setting themselves up for something unknown. See what happens when you allow the separation to be okay.

Rejection/Humiliation: One of our greatest fears is of rejection or humiliation when others may find us are not worthy or a fake. See what happens when you move forward with your inherent integrity.

Failure: There is no self-growth without failure, because lack of failure means you never sought change. See what happens when you allow failure to be a building block to the next step, instead of subtraction from your sense of self worth.

Loss of self identity: When you make how you define yourself by relationship, profession, income, education, etc. your true identity, you set yourself up for dis-ease when any of those components are lost. See how stepping into a new you opens the door to possibilities of a greater you.

All forms of fear are founded in not wanting to deal with the unknown. For most of us unknown means “uncertain, or doubtful”. See what happens when you shift your perspective of what “unknown” means to “opportunity waiting to be uncovered”. Once done, you are no longer fueling fear, instead you open the door to possibility. As a result, previously unseen possibilities emerge on your horizon just waiting for you to rise through them.



Raiysa Nazaire

Author, podcast host, and life coach helping people enhance their lives one thought at a time. Find out more at www.raiysanazaire.com.