Finding Balance in a Hectic World

Raiysa Nazaire
5 min readAug 22, 2023


The question that I’m most asked by clients is, “What tool can I use to find balance when I can’t seem to find any sense of calm?” I tell them the tool they seek is not an external object, but an internal mechanism that transcends the physical plane. It’s the practice of meditation. Meditation is a profound means of grounding oneself in the present moment. It’s a technique that stretches the illusion of time and replaces turbulence with tranquility.

When you meditate, you align yourself with the aspect of your nature that is timeless, boundless, and one with Universal Consciousness, often referred to as the One/God/Allah/Yahweh, etc. Through meditation, you engage in a divine dialogue with your internal and eternal nature. You disconnect from with the mundane, and immerse yourself in the eternal Now.

In this self dialogue, you are encouraged to live your truth, to be the personification of your highest self, the self that is not burdened by worldly concerns. Meditation allows you to slow down the perceived speed of time. This enables you to dwell in the present moment, and to fully experience the joy and balance that resides within.

The more you meditate, the more you attune yourself to the rhythm of your heart — the rhythm that creates the illusion of time. By aligning your consciousness with your heart’s rhythm, you allow time to relax, you allow joy to flow, and you begin to create a pattern of acceptance and comfort that seeps into your every-day existence.

A meditative practice aids you in dwelling in the present moment. It is a journey inward, a journey to your center, where you become one with the One. Throughout this journey, you’ll find that the boundaries of time and space begin to blur, allowing your Love to stretch across the cosmos, reaching out to your ancestors, your descendants, and all interconnected souls. Meditation is truly a profound tool for transcending the temporal and experiencing the eternal Now.

Tools are only physical manifestations of spiritual principles. They are catalysts that aid us in understanding and implementing these principles in our daily lives. There are a many tools that could assist in maintaining balance. Among these, crystals and sound healing instruments are great passive tools.

Crystals, with their unique vibrational frequencies, can serve as powerful tools for balance. Crystals are nature’s way of offering us a tangible piece of the metaphysical world. Each crystal is unique, possessing its own vibrational frequency that can harmoniously synchronize with specific energies within us.

Each crystal resonates with a specific chakra or energy center in our bodies. Their use can help in harmonizing these energy centers, leading to overall balance. Consider using a crystal set, chosen specifically to resonate with each chakra, as another tool in your Balance Toolkit. Each crystal serves as a reminder of a particular aspect of balance.

The following crystals can be the most conducive to nurturing overall balance:

1. Clear Quartz: Known as the master healer, this crystal amplifies energy and thought, and can absorb, store, release, and regulate energy. It harmonizes all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies, promoting balance.

2. Amethyst: This crystal is often used for spiritual protection and purification. Amethyst aids in curbing overindulgence and bad habits, and helps in balancing the nervous system and brain.

3. Selenite: Known for its cleansing properties, selenite dispels negative energy and enhances clarity, focus, and creates a balance of peacefulness.

4. Black Tourmaline: This grounding stone absorbs negativity and protects against negative energies of all kinds, fostering a balanced state of mind.

5. Lepidolite: Known as the “stone of transition,” lepidolite assists in the release and reorganization of old behavioral and psychological patterns, gently inducing change and promoting balance.

6. Carnelian: This stabilizing stone anchors in present reality and is great for restoring vitality and motivation, promoting positive life choices, and balancing mind and body.

7. Aventurine: This stone is known to stabilize one’s state of mind, stimulate perception, and enhance creativity. It can help you see alternatives and possibilities, providing a balancing effect.

8. Citrine: Known as the stone of abundance and manifestation, citrine carries the power of the sun, warming, energizing, and fostering a balanced state of being.

Remember, crystals are not simply physical objects, they are the physical representations of the metaphysical energies that permeate our cosmos.

In addition, sound healing instruments like singing bowls, tuning forks, or even musical compositions encoded with specific frequencies, are another tool to consider. The science of cymatics tells us that sound can directly affect the physical world, including our bodies.

Specific sound frequencies can help align our physical, mental, and spiritual states, hence promoting balance. Sound healing frequencies, which can be found on Youtube, could be an effective addition to your balance toolkit.

Sound, in its purest form, is vibration, and vibration is at the core of all life, permeating through everything in the cosmos, from the minutest particle to the largest galaxy. As such, the power of sound to heal and balance is hugely beneficial. It transcends the physical and reverberates through the mental, emotional, and spiritual realms of existence.

Healing sound frequencies form more than just a listening experience. They are profound vibrational interactions that echo the fundamental rhythms of life itself. They serve as reminders of our interconnectedness with the cosmic symphony. Each note a testament to the intricate and beautiful harmony of the cosmos.

Each of the following forms of sound healing offers a balancing symphony of frequencies that help you move towards a harmonious state of balance:

1. Binaural Beats: These are auditory brainwave entrainment techniques designed to bring about desired changes in mental state. Specific frequencies can induce states of relaxation, focus, or energy. For example, a binaural beat of 10 Hz (associated with Alpha brainwaves) promotes relaxation and calmness.

2. Solfeggio Frequencies: These ancient musical scales are believed to give off powerful healing qualities. For instance, the 528 Hz frequency, known as the “Miracle Tone,” is said to engender transformation and miracles, and to repair DNA.

3. Shamanic Drumming: This rhythmic drumming mimics the heartbeat and can induce trance-like states, facilitating journeying and deep inner exploration.

4. Tibetan Singing Bowls: The rich overtones produced by these bowls can induce deep meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind, and intuition.

5. Nature Sounds: The sounds of a bubbling brook, ocean waves, or rustling leaves can promote relaxation and a sense of connection to the Earth.

6. 432 Hz Music: It is believed that music tuned to this frequency is harmonious with the vibration of the universe, promoting inner peace and balance.

7. Chanting and Mantras: The vocal repetition of sacred sounds or phrases can clear the mind, focus the spirit, and foster a deep sense of peace.

As a final tool for discussion, consider creating a set of affirmation cards. Imprint these cards with healing words and phrases or intuitive guidance. Picking a card daily, can serve as a reminder to maintain balance. They can also be used for personal reflection or as prompts for deeper contemplation.

It is important to remember that the journey towards balance is unique to each person. What resonates with one may not resonate with another. As such, you should approach finding the right balance tools with an open mind and heart. Allow intuition to guide the way towards the Balance Toolkit that resonates most profoundly with your being.



Raiysa Nazaire

Author, podcast host, and life coach helping people enhance their lives one thought at a time. Find out more at