Raiysa Nazaire
2 min readApr 2, 2023

“It’s the little things that find us out, the little things we refuse to do in order to avoid doing the big things that can save us.” Ralph Ellison

Our first instinct is to avoid discomfort by any means necessary. When we do that, we never resolve the issue. The challenge is relegated to be the elephant in the room — unaddressed, but clearly present.

Avoidance is a short term solution that makes for a long term challenge. It’s just a cover up. The issue remains for us to deal with time and time again — eventually worsening.

Here are five (5) tips to help you keep the elephant of avoidance out of the room so that we can get to the big things that save us:

1. Recognize you are avoiding something.

Awareness is always the first step towards change. What thoughts and feelings are you shying away from by not taking action?

2. Start with the little things.

Once you get past the small challenges that you are avoiding, you can move on to bigger issues.

3. Brainstorm.

Once you get past the small challenges that you are avoiding, you can move on to bigger issues.

4. Look at the big picture.

Life presents obstacles in the form of challenge or change. That’s a fact of being human. We can more easily get through challenges when we keep our eye on the end goal.

5. Find support you can trust.

Coming face-to-face with a challenge is often easier said than done. Yet, no one has to face obstacles alone. Engage a trusted friend for support. If you are still not successful, engage a professional.

Now ask yourself:

  • Where are the elephants in my life?
  • What little things can I do regain this space and provide clarity?

When you put the brakes on avoidance, you take your life off hold. There is much more room to move freely without the giant elephant of avoidance.

Raiysa Nazaire

Author, podcast host, and life coach helping people enhance their lives one thought at a time. Find out more at www.raiysanazaire.com.